Thursday, September 10, 2009

Photo Blogs

So lately I have been going bat crazy over photography blogs. It's like an addiction but better. Some of the people I have found are magnificent and all I can do is salivate over the saturation and clarity of their photos. Not only that, they tend to capture people in a way that only a creative artist could. Who are these people? In no particular order:
  1. Audrey Woulard
  2. Becky Earl
  3. Gina Lee Photography
  4. Jasmine Star Photography
  5. Brooke Ashely Photography

These are my top five. I have a few others bookmarked but these are the ones that keep me coming back for more. Especially the yummy, delicious babies! They are so sweet and chubby and make me want to send my hubby back to the urologist if you know what I mean!

Who do you follow?

1 comment:

  1. I love photo blogs too! I enjoy sheye rosemeyer, jessica claire, nichole van...that should be plenty to waste our days looking thru!
