Monday, March 29, 2010

iheartfaces - Dramatic B&W

Life is crazy right now. My mom's cancer has progressed and she is dealing with many issues and is in and out of the hospital. That has put this blog on the backburner. It's actually put photography on the backburner. I still love entering the iheartfaces challenges though so I wanted to stop by with this week's photo.

This is my son looking in the front door waiting for me to get boots on his sister. He wanted to play in the snow really bad! Lol! Click to enlarge.


  1. You really captured the mood of the little fellow. LOVE that!

  2. Gotta love those boys who think they will perish without playing outside, lol!

  3. Simply adorable! Holding your mom and family in my prayers. God Bless. Kathy

  4. What a great shot! BIG HUGS to you and your family in this hard time.

  5. pretty funny!! I've seen that face/expression on my stoop many times
